Rescue Village will be closed Thursday, March 6th for a special event.
I was intrigued when Dean Ganzhorn reached out to me saying he wanted to make a “unique contribution” to Rescue Village. As a member of the Cleveland Bourbon Cartel, Dean learned that his cartel was selected to receive one of a very limited number of barrels of OKI Bourbon. This was one of the most sought-after private barrels being released in 2021.
At his wife Emily’s suggestion, Dean gave bottles of this rare bourbon away to select Cleveland Bourbon Cartel members in exchange for a donation to Rescue Village. Dean said it was only fair since Emily always has to deal with his bourbon events, so he let her pick the charity that they would raise the money for. They had attended a couple of Woofstock festivals and have always had a great time. Both being animal lovers, they agreed Rescue Village would be the best choice. Dean and Emily came to visit me (and Omelet the dog) to present a $5,588.00 donation. This donation was then matched for $1,000.00 by Citizens Bank, totaling $6,588.00 of much-needed support. Right around when they made their donation, Omelet needed some expensive medical treatment, so their timing was perfect. Omelet got better and was adopted soon after their visit!
Since its founding, Rescue Village has relied on the financial support of its community to provide the lifesaving work that betters the lives of animals and their people. It’s no secret that Rescue Village needs to fundraise around the clock to do the work that we do. We don’t rely on taxpayer support to provide shelter, medical care, and adoptions for animals in need, or to enforce Ohio’s humane animal laws in Geauga County on behalf of the state. This is why Dean and Emily’s contribution, and gifts like theirs, are so very important.
To Dean and Emily, and everyone who helps, thank you. From those of you who give $25 a year to the people who put Rescue Village into their estate plans, we so appreciate and need your help.