Rescue Village’s foster program is very important to the health and well being of Rescue Village’s animals. Thousands of animals temporarily call Rescue Village home every year and more than 50% of these animals spend time in the loving care of a foster family as part of their journey to adoption.
Foster volunteers allow the staff, especially the veterinary clinic team, to better care for each individual animal’s medical needs, and to protect the entire shelter population from the potential of an outbreak of infectious diseases, such as kennel cough. Rescue Village works with dozens of transfer partners locally, statewide, nationally, and sometimes internationally, and these animals’ medical condition isn’t always known. Allowing an animal to go into foster care provides the staff with the opportunity to evaluate each animal’s health before introducing them to the larger shelter population. Additionally, foster volunteers help reduce kennel stress that many animals experience in the shelter environment.
While most of the animals enjoy a brief stay with their foster family, some fosters specialize in helping care for more complicated cases, such as complex behavioral issues, bottle baby kittens, animals recovering from specialized surgery, and even helping treat animals infected with ringworm.
Rescue Village is dedicated to providing education and all necessary resources and supplies to foster volunteers to benefit each animal as they get ready for adoption. Sign up and foster today!