Tavern owners Shelley Hughes and Greg Columbus adopted their dog Gilbert from Rescue Village. Sadly, Gilbert passed at the age of 9 in 2015. The couple wanted to honor him and give back, hoping to create awareness for rescues and facilitate more adoptions, so they started a yearly fundraiser at Gilbert's Tavern (located in Lyndhurst) for Rescue Village on Derby Day. This year they raised $3,000! Thank you Gilbert's Tavern and everyone that attended to support Rescue Village!
Timmons Elementary students collected donations, made cards, blankets and more for the animals at Rescue Village. They were invited to come to RV for a special behind-the-scenes tour! Thank you for thinking of the animals this Valentines Day.
Their focus is bringing awareness and donations to the Community Pet Food Pantry, which serves those in Northeast Ohio facing pet food insecurity.
In-kind donations may be brought to Rescue Village and left on the donation carts by the front door.